March Meeting

Workshop – Springtime Sampler

Saturday, 18 March, 2023; 10.00am – 4.00pm

St Andrew’s, Glencrutchery Road, Douglas

Requirements List

Participants on this workshop will design and stitch a small egg-shaped sampler incorporating a range of different embroidery stitches.  

These will be provided:

          Fabric for stitching the sampler – participants can choose between a range of naturally dyed cotton fabrics or aida cloth.


Need to Bring:

          Stranded cotton embroidery threads.  Either bring a range of colours or a single colour. A skein of variegated thread would work well.

          Embroidery needles. If you are buying a new pack, then choose crewel needles which have a sharp point and a reasonably large eye.

          Sewing kit – scissors, pins, etc.

          A small piece of medium-weight fabric to be used to try out and practice unfamiliar stitches.  This can be cotton, or even weave, or an

            off-cut from another project or an old shirt or tea towel.    

          Fabric pencil or marker.

Optional extras to bring:

          Fabric, if you wish to bring your own. Either a fat quarter or a 10”x10” square will be sufficient.

          Sketch book.

          An embroidery hoop if you use one.

          A small ruler and/or t-square,

These will be available on the day:

          Light box for tracing.

          A range of stitch books.

Don’t forget your packed lunch!  Tea and coffee will be available throughout the day.