Traditional Crazy Patchwork with Sheila Huxley

November 18th - 11.30 to 4pm (approx)

Requirement List

Approx. 12” square of cotton for foundation.

Selection of scraps of fabric (not too small, about 5” to 6” or thereabouts.  Choose rich fabrics, i.e. satin, silk, velvet, some plain, some patterned but avoid small print cottons.

Embroidery threads, ribbons, lace, small buttons, beads etc. for embellishment.

Usual sewing kit including pins and cotton thread (any colour).

Sheila will bring some extra bits of fabric and Sheena Quayle has very kindly offered to let us have some from her ‘stash’. Thank you, Sheena.

Don’t forget a packed lunch

November 2023 Workshop